One afternoon in July, actually it was the day of our first anniversary, I went over to spend some time with my 90 year old still kickin’ it pretty good grandpa, Shorty.
Let me just explain the scene for you here. That yellow “racket” thing in his hand is an Electrified Bug Swatting “tool”. We were chilling on lawn chairs, mid-afternoon, Toledo Ohio, just outside of his garage in the front yard, BLARING A.M. Radio Polka (my maiden name IS “Les-Nev-Vich” you know). We were yick yackin’ about who knows what for more than an hour, and all the while Shorty was batting that damn stun gun of a racket around at I don’t even know what! i guess there were some nats in the air?? Shit though, I could barely enjoy my conversations with him because he would swipe that thing so damn close to my face while on a mission to kill the tiniest nat in the world that I was scared he was gonna braze the side of my face with it. And I’d get jolted or something. It was SO Shorty. BTW take notice of his t-shirt.
On a more personal note - the reason I visited with my grandpa that day was because he had just lost his last of 14 siblings that week, Uncle Leo. Now my grandpa is the only one left out of 14! And he was the “baby” of them all.
For any of you Lesniewicz’s reading this, you will want to click on the pdf below “It's August Again” for a nice write up & a 1986 Lesniewicz Family Reunion Photo. Pure Lesniewicz Nostalgia. It was sent to me this summer in August from my 2nd cousin once removed, to be all technical :) - Denny Beck.
Click here for Denny Beck's "It's August Again"
I heart Shorty - these photos of him are cracking me up (as most do)
I love the bug swatter and love the picture from 1986, oh how I miss the fashions from that year.
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