April 5, 2008

Kelly, the Barn…..and THE BOOTS.

Contrary to this photo, there actually was a ton of snow on the ground. But this was inside the arena of the barn where my aunt joyce works. My sister and I went to go visit the 4 baby horses (sorry to the horse lovers out there for my apparent lack of horse terminology). During our little field trip I found myself in somewhat of a dilemma. Well two actually. ONE – that the blonde hair you see on my vintage ski boots is…..well…..horse hair. Yikes. I was kind of feeling bad as I would pet the horsies in the stable while at the same time rationalizing my xmas gift from my sister 5 years ago with the assumption that they don’t hurt any horses to make these boots. Right!? It’s just their hair??? And my 2nd dilemma – I didn’t want to get them dirty having to go across all that dirt in the barrel arena of the stables. so Kelly, Joyce’s co-worker, was nice enough to carry me across after he had met me for the first time just seconds earlier. Thank you Kelly, next time I’ll be sure to show up in my shit-kickers and maybe I’ll even throw a pinch of chew in my side cheek. Not only so I don’t have to be Paris Hilton worrying about my damn boots getting dirty but also due to the fact that with that getup of mine that day at the stables & barrel arena – the only thing missing was the trailing sound of that song from Sesame Street “One of these is not like the others” as I would walk on by passing everyone else in that barn that day. FOR SURE I’ll have some shit-kickers on next time. so perhaps I have the chance of blending in at least a tad bit.


Jill said...

The boots are cracking me up and the fact that someone carried you across the arena. I would have done the same thing though.

Anonymous said...

As Harry & Lloyd would say, "Killer boots, man!"
